Microsoft Dynamics GP Review

Microsoft Dynamics is a fully integrated line of software that was designed to meet almost any business need. Their software will help companies to make important decisions with ease and confidence. The software is easily adaptable to many familiar software programs that most businesses already have.
What Microsoft Dynamics GP Can do For Your Company
Microsoft Dynamics HRIS allows management of payroll but also tracks the benefits of each employee and offers the employees the option of self-service. With the new Microsoft Dynamics HRIS management of all aspects of the Human Resources Department is accomplished with great ease.
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G&J-Pepsi Cola Bottlers, Leech Lake Gaming Division, Brookline Village
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Microsoft Dynamics GP will help to streamline updates as well as speed up the implementation process. GP will also keep the security of the system up to date so that all documents remain secure.
Key Features:
- Unlocking employee potential with enhanced Human Resource tools
- Tracking medical tests and results
- Allow employees access to view their personal files
- Give managers the capability to handle reviews and promotions
Stand Out Features
- Because Microsoft Dynamics HRIS system has so many great features everyone within a company is sure to easily adopt the solution. The Human Resource Department will be able to handle their daily tasks straight from the computer. This will eliminate the one mundane task of daily paperwork and make it all available from a desktop computer.
- Medical records and injury follow-ups will be handled with the new HRIS system as well. This will be a key factor for companies who require regular physicals from their employees.
- Employees will be able to view their personal file as well as handle their benefits selection from the new HRIS system available through Microsoft Dynamics. This is a great feature that will save time and money in the long run.
- Managers are sure to latch onto the new system as well. When it comes time for an employee’s annual review, managers will be able to view each employee file straight from the computer. This will make the review process much more streamlined and efficient.
Microsoft Dynamics Technology:
Microsoft Dynamics HRIS system can be delivered as an in-house solution or as a Software as a Service solution depending on what each company’s needs are.
The Bottom Line
Microsoft Dynamics HRIS is a wonderful asset for any business. With the tools that it has available it is sure to be more successful in running an efficient company. Human Resource departments will love it as well because it will definitely make their job easier to manage.